CTE Careers Class - Explore Your Future
CTE Careers is a class for freshmen students at LHS. It is designed to introduce students to the 10 Career & Technical Education (CTE) pathways at LHS as well as the pathways available at LC State. Students will be exposed to 175 careers. Our goal is to help students to know what is available to them in the CTE realm so that they can better choose their pathway throughout high school.
What do we offer?
hands-on projects (graphic design, welding, automotive paint simulator, and more)
exposure to the different pathways of CTE and careers related to each pathway:
marketing business
health occupations hospitality
welding automotive technology
engineering machining
information technology construction
interaction with people in CTE industries
all freshmen are required to take the CTE Careers class
Your teachers:
Kara Buttolph kbuttolph@lewistonschools.net
Sherri Rothfusz srothfusz@lewistonschools.net